Friday, January 29, 2010

Blanket Blessings

Recently I turned 68 and was blanketed with Birthday blessings, some from friends I haven't heard from in a long, long, time. I can thank Facebook for that. It has allowed me to re-connect with others and that truly is a blessing.

One of the blankets I received was Beautiful Birthday Cards. I could paper my bathroom with them. Some people never receive one card and yet God has blessed me with many by snail mail, web main, email, and phone texts.

Another blanket that came my way was going to Ft. Worth to hold my very first great-grandchild, a girl. Her name is Izabella Rose and, of course, she is simply beautiful. She was wrapped in her pink Harley Davidson Blanket from her "reluctant Grandpa" who she has tightly wound around her little finger. They absolutely glow at each other.

Recently a different kind of blanket was around her. She has been in Cook Children's Hospital with the problem of 'not breathing.' During this time of traumatic testing, she was blanketed in prayer by family and friends from all over the United States.

Blanket Blessings come in all shapes and sizes, tangible and intangible.
God blessed us with answered prayers and "Bella" as her Mother calls her, or "Izzie" as her Father calls her, is now home and resting. Praise God!

Today as I sit here looking outside we are under a beautiful Blanket of Snow. You know what amazes me about snow? It provides us with a Blanket of Quiet!
It seems to cover every earthly thing in its White Blanket of soft beauty.

It's as if God allows us to slow down and relax and enjoy the comforts of home. That is, for those of us who have the comforts of home. This blanket of quiet also reminds me to reflect on all my blessings and remember those who do not have a home, warmth, or are even have the ability to see the beauty of this pretty, quiet, white covered earth.

The bible says, "that to those whom much has been given, much is required." That is certainly something worth pondering.

I thank God for His many Blankets of Blessings. May I never take any of them for granted but be faithful to praise Him for all of them.

May you be blessed with Many Blankets of Blessings and may they remind you to praise the One Who provides them.

"In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thessalonians 5: 18

Monday, May 4, 2009

Answering the Call

Recently while attending one of our local churches, I was listening to a wonderful song by a beautiful young lady. One of the lines in the song went something like this: "I don't want to go through the motions, not even one more day, without your 'all-consuming passion' living inside of me."

While listening, I began taking notes about "His All-Consuming Passion." In my notes I wrote:

"His all consuming passion, does it dwell within my soul?
Do I let it leak out to others so they too will be made whole?
Do I keep it to myeslf and hide it away within my heart?
Do I store it in my mind instead of doing my reasonable part?

Jesus, help me share your passion for the lost you died to save.
Let my lips tell your story. Help me not to be afraid.
Please, Lord, help me sincerely give You away.
Your mercy meets me every morning and
Your grace pours into me, so
Encourage me, Dear Savior, in leading others to Thee.
I can never outgive you, Jesus, but let me live for you this day,
And only for Your Glory as I go about my way.
For Your blessings I am grateful. They have truly humbled me.
Move me with Your compassion to serve others faithfully.
Let me love as You love. Let me share Your grace,
As I look forward to someday meeting You face to face."

After the morning service we were invited to join the Amos Family for lunch and then to take part in the afternoon ceremony for Reverend Charles Amos who received the title "Pastor Emeritus."

Just before the afternoon ceremony began my husband's cell phone rang and one of our Signal 30 Officers notified him that a lady had been killed in a nearby car wreck and she was the 81 year old grandmother of one of our newest officers. Since my husband was on the afternoon program I took the car and went to the scene of the fatality.

While walking up to the site I began praying for direction in how to correctly work with the officers as well as preparing myself to help deliver the news: "She is dead. Her wounds were fatal." Her son was out shopping for her Mother's Day Gift when he was called to come home.

Two of our officers and I went to the officer's home where we met the family and made the notification. The officers gave the details of the tragedy and I supplied the hugs, compassion, and led in prayer.

Did I not just sit in church and pray: "Jesus, help me share Your 'all-consuming passion' this day?" Well, He did.

Matthew 7:7 says: "Ask and you will receive............"

Quoting Max Lucado from his new book: "Every Day Deserves A Chance", in writing about death notifications he said: "Each announcement is met with silence. Wailing or fainting may soon follow, but the first response is a shock-soaked silence. As if no heart can receive the words and no words can express the heart. No one knows what to say to death."

But is was into such a silence that Jesus urged: "Don't be afraid; just believe." (Mark 5:36 NIV) Soneone else once said: "Believe in the One Who Believes in you."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Where I Live

I'm studying the book of Proverbs. Chuck Swindoll says: "Psalms tells us how to get along with God. Proverbs tells us how to get along with people." I think he has it right.

Getting along with each other isn't always what we wish it to be. Truthfully, I find I react more than I respond. Reacting doesn't take much thought, only emotions without reasoning. Responding does take time and thought, and I've never been one to "think before I speak." That's not easy to admit, especially being a Chaplain.

Responding in calm confidence is not something I've done well. Even though I've been taught to, and taught others to practice a "non-anxious" presence, I find practicing it is much harder. I ask God everyday for his common sense wisdom but I'm finding out I have to practice it. For me it helps by studying the book of Proverbs.

Author Chuck Swindoll says: "When we respond in God's 'calm confidence' there is a remarkable absence of fear. We are not seized with panic. We view things with God-given objectivity. We can then handle things in His Wisdom. We can then live in the palm of His Hand."

It made me think: Well, where do I live? Truth be known, I mostly live between the deep well of stubborn independence and the state of convenience. Shamefully I admit I live life when He is convenient for me; when He is expedient for me; when His will aligns with mine. Wow! That's embarassing to admit. But that's the reality of my walk with Jesus. I'm inconsistent and somewhat like Felix when Paul
approached him and Felix said, "At some more convenient time." (If I'm truly His child and His servant, there is never a more convenient time. The time to serve is now!)

I don't want to be like Felix! I would rather be more like Paul. Better yet, I would rather be more like Jesus. I have to ask myself, "Is Jesus enough?" If He is, then why don't I live like it?

I desire to live in pleaseing the Lord, to be obedient, to understand His wisdom, and to do His will. I so want His God-given objectivity in my life. So, I keep on keeping on in His word and prayer:

"Lord, open my mind and heart to your perfect plan for my life. Give me the gumption to follow through. Grant me the dedication I need to know and live out your Word. Help me be consistent in my walk with You. Your Word is so very precious to me. Please help me commit it to memory and to my daily life. You loved me first.
Help me love you back in my walk as well as my talk. Thank you, Savior and Lord!"

Anyone else out there searching through the wisdom of Proverbs? Anyone else need help getting along with others? Join me in trying to bring some balance to our hectic lives. I encourage you to study the book of Proverbs and to practice loving others by "responding in His calm confidence."

Chaplain Phyllis Poe

Monday, February 16, 2009

And Yet.......

"AND YET . . . "

"I acted like a jerk today because I wanted my own way.
Stubborn, selfish, sarcastic too,
and yet, God loved me with His love so true.

I learn my lessons way too slow, 'cause I know best, you know?!
God must've shook His head, knowing His way was best instead.
And yet, He loves me still. He always has, He always will.

I'll never understand the sovereign love within His hands.
The love that lets me choose my way, even if from Him I stray.
And yet, His love endures all times for I am His and He is mine.

These two little words, "and yet," you see,
exhibit His love for eternity.
For when I fall flat on my face, His sovereign love
draws me back in place.

We pay for our choices, you and me,
Because His love has set us free.
Free to do our very own thing,
free to return to His love again.

And yet, He loves. He loves us still.
He always has. He always will."

Yesterday when the pastor said, "and yet......."
my mind began to think of all the times
I've turned to my own way in stubborness and pride
when I did not want Him as my guide.
"Not this time, Lord", I began to say.
"This time I really want my own way.".........and yet!

If there was enough time and space
I could truly write of His amazing grace.

Most everyone around this world knows the words to Amazing Grace, but, how many of us have forgotten all the times of the, "and yets" in our lives? "And yet, He came; "And yet, He forgave; "And yet, He wept; "And yet, He forgets.......

In all my times of toil and strife
God always comes and gives me life.

I hope in the times I feel misused,
I too can say,.... "and yet, I love you."

I invite you to join me in living life within the grace of God, the One who has set us free to live our lives abundantly.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thinking Outloud

I just finished reading, "The Shack." I understand it has been a controversial book, but for me I just kept thinking, this is fiction! I prayed for an open heart and mind.

As I read I began to see things very thought provoking. I got my pad, my pen, my bible and began taking notes, especially where Sarayu is discussing relationship with Mack. To me all of life is about relationship.

We have relationships with each other and hopefully with our Creator, God. I don't believe you can have one without the other. They are intertwined, or as I like to think about it - crossed.

I relate this to The Cross: if my relationship with God is weak then my relationship with others is weak. If my relationship with others is weak then how can I have a strong relationship with God? I know I need balance and harmony and I find these at the Cross.

My favorite quote from The Shack is: "You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world but a world lives in you." by Frederick Buechner (Some of us carry it more in the stomach!)

My husband shares a quote from one of his professors in graduate school: "The hardest thing we have to do is take the history that's in us and live the history we're in."

As a Chaplain, I do marriage counseling and when, as a rule the man says, "I'm not marrying her family. I'm just marrying her." I always say, "wrong!" We are all interconnected by relationship whether related or not.

I just was thinking outloud about how important relationship is,
and it doesn't even matter what I think about just is.
Sometimes relations annoy us and we can't change that, (we can choose to change
our attitude about it though) we don't even have to accept it, but we do have to acknowledge it.

Relationships.............they're all or (their) all relative!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Sixty Seven and Counting

Here it is Friday, January 16th, 2009. My 67th Birthday is today and I was feeling sorry for myself, because I'm spending it at home recovering from surgery. Then I decided to think back on how I got to be 67. It's through the stages of my life. You know some days, in my head, I'm still that 16 year old girl raring to go. Others, I'm 21 and ready to fall in love with my husband, Jack, all over again. Then there are days I wish my kids were back home for me to look after, tease with, and gripe at, or put on guilt trips, and then I hear myself saying, "stop that fighting," "do not call me at work unless you're bleeding." Here's one of their favorites, "don't make me come in there." Its funny what you miss. I grew old, faster than I wanted, but then the grandkids came along and I fell in love with them and felt like I was getting a second chance to be a better parent. It was fun spoiling them and getting to send them home and watch my kids try to correct them for the same things they used to get in trouble for. Paybacks can be a delight.

Every age has its burdens, its blessings, and its benefits. Having said all that, it's not bad being 67 and having your husband of nearly 48 years spoil you with sweet romantic cards, a dozen red roses, and a new Brighton Watch (I bought for myself). Or, your friends bring supper to you because you can't get out. Trust me, being older you appreciate people and the little things more.

I won't always be just 67! Lord willing, I'll make 68. Now that's really getting closer to the 70 year mark. So I'll take life as it comes and enjoy it. The Lord only promises us 70 years anyway. In Psalm 90:10 it reads, "the days of our years are three score and ten and if by reason of strenghth they be fourscore years.............Verse 12 says: "So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."

The wisdom is: "thinking on the good things." If I focused on my burdens instead of my blessings and benefits, life would be miserable and I would make everyone around me miserable. Paul said in his letter to the Philippians in chapter 4: 8, "To think on these things: whatever is good, worthy of praise, true and honorable, respected, pure and beautiful." Paul had no idea he was preaching the sermon of "garbage in, garbage out." Maybe if I choose to number my days and apply them to wisdom, I will live in such a way that when people see an older, somewhat shorter, and wider, white headed, wrinkled old woman, they will see inside me a woman who loves the Lord

Jack's grandmother, "Mama Poe" used to say to me, "Honey, enjoy every age you're in." I can say with all honesty that I truly did my best to enjoy every age my children have been in. I hope I've grown with them through the stages of their lives. Mama Poe was right, enjoy every age, every stage. So, here's to me: "Happy 67th Birthday, Phyllis, ENJOY!"

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Here it is, Christmas Eve, 2008! Time has surely gone by faster than I could've believed. I think the cartoon character, Maxine, is right: "Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes!" I do relate!

It's time like these that you begin to reflect on all your past experiences and anticipate all the new your looking foward to.

Christmas Eve was very special for me today. I shared a Christmas Devotional thought with the sweetest group of people you would ever want to meet. They live in a senior living center near here and I do a short bible study there each week.

I was afraid no one would come today, with it being a Holiday- (I'd rather say, "Holy Day!") They faithfully came.........and they were wonderul. I began teaching there as a favor to the director. I went to help out..........right! Everytime I go, I fall in love with these precious people all over again. They never fail to "lift me up." They never complain, and are always wearing their best smile and never let me leave without a hug. My favorite part is when we sing old favorite hymns. Their sweet, soft voices ring out for the Lord and it is inspirational; their faithfulness is encourging; and their conintued interest in learning God's word, even when most are in their 90's, is such a boost to my own spirit.

If you've never visited a senior living center, do it! You won't regret it. It will make you stop and think and then count your blessings. You'll walk away feeling loved, appreciated and accepted. So truly, "when you give to others", you get back 100 fold.

My Christmas Eve Gift was being with my special friends at Hefner Mansion and sharing the Christmas Carols and Christmas Story with them.

Share with someone this Christmas. Give yourself away and be blessed.

Merry Christmas, and may God's favor shine on you now and in the coming year.

Phyllis A. Poe